Peer-reviewed journal articles 

Xu, W., Smart, M., Tilahun, N., Askari, S., Dennis, Z., Li, H. and D. Levinson (2024) The racial composition of road users, traffic citations, and police stops. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Volume 121 Number 24. [link]

Tilahun, N. (2023). Safety Impact of Automated Speed Camera Enforcement: Empirical Findings Based on Chicago’s Speed Cameras. Transportation Research Record. [link]

Kim, S. J., Shin, J., & Tilahun, N. (2023). Racial disparities in the pattern of intergenerational neighbourhood mobility. Urban Studies. [link]

Eisenberg, Y.,  Hofstra, A.,  Tilahun, N. and  Shanley, J. (2022) Rideshare use among people with disabilities: Patterns and predictors based on a large nationally representative survey.  Travel Behaviour and Society, Volume 29, Pages 246-256. [link]

Maharajan, S., Tilahun, N. and A. Ermagun (2022) Spatial equity of modal access gap to multiple destination types across Chicago. Journal of Transport Geography, Volume 104. [link]

Shin, J., & Tilahun, N. (2022). The role of residential choice on the travel behavior of young adults. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 158, 62-74. [link][preprint]

Tilahun, N., Persky, J., Shin, J., & Zellner, M. (2021). Childhood Poverty, Extended Family and Adult Poverty. Journal of Poverty, 1-14.[link][preprint]

Tilahun, N., Persky, J., Shin, J., & Zellner, M. (2021). Place Prosperity and the Intergenerational Transmission of Poverty. Review of Regional Studies, 51(2), 208-220. [doi][pdf]

Ermagun, A., & Tilahun, N. (2020). Equity of transit accessibility across Chicago. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 86, 102461. [link]

Freeman, V. L., Boylan, E. E., Tilahun, N. Y., Basu, S., & Kwan, M. P. (2020). Sources of selection and information biases when using commercial database–derived residential histories for cancer research. Annals of Epidemiology, 51, 35-40. [doi]

Askari, S., Peiravian, F., Tilahun, N., & Yousefi Baseri, M. (2020). Determinants of users’ perceived taxi service quality in the context of a developing country. Transportation Letters, 1-13. [link]

Li, M., & Tilahun, N. (2020). A comparative analysis of discretionary time allocation for social and non-social activities in the US between 2003 and 2013. Transportation, 47(2), 893-909. [link][pdf]

Li, M. and N. Tilahun (2017) Time Use, Disability, and Mobility of Older Americans. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. Volume 2650, pp 58-65. [preprint] [doi]

Tilahun, N. and D. Levinson (2017). Contacts and Meetings: Location, Duration and Distance Traveled. Travel Behavior and Society. Volume 6. pp. 67-74. [preprint][doi]

Tilahun, N., Thakuriah, P., Li, M., and Y. Keita (2016) Transit Use and the Work Commute: Analyzing the Role of Last Mile Issues. Journal of Transport Geography. Volume 54, pp 359-368. [preprint][doi]

Tilahun, N., & Li, M. (2015). Walking Access to Transit Stations: Evaluating Barriers with Stated Preference. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Volume 2534, pp 16-23. [doi][pdf]

S. Yin, M. Li, N. Tilahun, A. G. Forbes, and A. Johnson (2015) Understanding Transportation Accessibility of Metropolitan Chicago through Interactive Visualization. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Smart Cities and Urban Analytics (UrbanGIS). [pdf]

Tilahun, N. and Yingling Fan (2014) Transit and Job Accessibility: An Empirical Study of Access to Competitive Clusters and Regional Growth Strategies for Enhancing Transit Accessibility. Transport Policy, Volume 33, pp. 17-25. [link][pdf]

Tilahun, N. and D. Levinson (2013) Selfishness and Altruism in the Distribution of Travel Time and Income. Transportation. Volume 40, Issue 5, pp 1043-1061. [preprint] [doi]

Tilahun, Nebiyou Y. and David M. Levinson (2013) An Agent Based Model of Origin Destination Estimation (ABODE), Journal of Transportation & Land Use. Vol 6, No 1, 73-88. [pdf]

Thakuriah, P. and Tilahun, N. (2013). Incorporating Weather Information into Real-Time Speed Estimates: Comparison of Alternative Models. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 139(4), pp 379–389. [preprint] [link]

Tilahun, N., & Levinson, D. (2011). Work and home location: Possible role of social networks. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 45(4), 323-331. [link][pdf]

Thakuriah, P. V., Sööt, S., Cottrill, C., Tilahun, N., Blaise, T., & Vassilakis, W. (2011). Integrated and Continuing Transportation Services for Seniors. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2265(-1), 161-169. [link]

Tilahun, N. Y., & Levinson, D. M. (2010). A moment of time: Reliability in route choice using stated preference. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 14(3), 179-187. [link]

Tilahun, N. Y., Levinson, D. M., & Krizek, K. J. (2007). Trails, lanes, or traffic: Valuing bicycle facilities with an adaptive stated preference survey. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 41(4), 287-301. [link]

Krizek, K. J., Johnson, P. J., & Tilahun, N. (2005). Gender differences in bicycling behavior and facility preferences. Research on Women’s Issues in Transportation, Special Report. Ed. S Rosenbloom (Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC) pp, 31-40.[pdf]


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